Student Services
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The New "Facts of Life"
According to the Journal of Career Planning & Employment: "On average, a student leaving college today can expect to have from 3 to 5 careers
and 10, 11, or 12 jobs during a work life that will last 40 to 50 years." Those are current career facts.
What can you do to prepare yourself?
Visit Career & Employment Services. We can help you learn the skills you need to take
charge of your career and plan your roadmap for your professional goals.
Some areas we assist with:
Exploring Career Options:
Career Counseling: Make an appointment for career counseling. Career Specialists will listen to your needs and then work with you to develop a plan to reach your career goals. Remember that Career Services professionals act only as your "coach" --it's up to you to make your career plan a reality.
While no assessment can tell you "what to be when you grow up," it is useful to learn more about yourself by identifying interests that relate to career options. Consider taking the Self-Directed Search or other career interest inventory. -
Montana Career Information System; FREE automated guidance information which identifies Occupations & Employment, Education & Training, Financial Aid & Scholarships.
: Start the career exploration process by watching a video on the process of exploring skills, interests, and values then providing resources on where to access career information and job outlook data.
Internship: Links students with work experience in their field of study while they earn academic credit and, often, a wage.
Seeking Part-Time Employment While In College:
: Currently enrolled students seeking work-study jobs, part-time or temporary employment in the community, internships, and full time jobs may access job vacancy announcements, manage résumés, more in CareerLink.
: Eligible work study students may work part-time in a community service agency in Billings. Find available job openings in CareerLink!
: On-campus part-time jobs for students eligible for work study are posted on the web. Explore available job openings in CareerLink!
Pursuing Career Employment After Graduation:
Recruitment interviews with employers from business and education.
Career Fairs: On-campus opportunities for employers and students to meet in an informal atmosphere.
At à±ßäÂþ», professionals can assist you with the career process: from identifying your skills, interests, abilities, and knowledge related to career options to securing career employment after graduation.
While you are responsible for your career decisions, Career Services can equip you with job-search strategies which can be used whenever career and job changes occur throughout your lifetime.
There are no surefire approaches, but a planned career campaign promotes success in the transition from backpack to briefcase, from college to career.
Now you know the "new" facts of life. Email or visit the Career & Employment Services staff today!