Financial Stress & Hardship
Are you stressed about money? Financial problems are a source of stress for many students. Some students may experience financial situations requiring immediate action, such as:
- Working too much to pay bills; can't focus on school
- No money for food or hygiene products
- Financial Aid was delayed - no money for textbooks
- Wallet stolen with social security card
- Credit card lost or stolen
- Kicked out of the house – homeless
- Heat turned off for non-payment in the winter
- No access to transportation for work or school
- Student loan going into default
Resources & Assistance
For situations involving a health emergency, see the Student Emergency page. For a medical emergency, call 911. Faculty/Staff may submit a student welfare
concern through See Something, Say Something.
Yellowjacket Emergency Pantry & Referrals to Community Resources
- Visit the Yellowjacket Emergency Pantry (YEP): 406-896-5815
- YEP can provide you with emergency food and hygiene products and connect you to other campus and community resources.
- – 406-657-8218
Problems/Delays with Financial Aid
- Contact the Office of Financial Aid immediately if:
- You would like to receive aid, but don't know how to apply
- You were suspended from aid and don't understand the appeals process
- Your award is still in progress when the semester starts and you do not have money for textbooks
- You are using financial aid and want to drop a class or withdraw from school
- Talk with Business Services. They will work with you to keep you from being dropped from classes. You may need to sign an installment contract (payment plan).
- See also the MSUB Financial Aid Process for next-step instructions and what to do to receive your award.
Loss or Theft of Credit/Debit Cards & Identity Theft
- Contact University Police if you believe someone may have stolen your money, bank or credit card, or your identity: 406-657-2147.
- For general information, visit the consumer information website:
- See How to Avoid Identity Theft for tips on how to protect your personal information.
Student Loan Default Prevention
- If you can’t afford your student loan payment or don’t understand your options:
- MSUB Financial Education – 406-657-1795
- MSUB Financial Aid – 406-657-2188
- If you have already missed two months or more of payments:
- Montana University System Student Loan Default Prevention
- Default Prevention Hotline -877-293-8946
- Default Resolution Unit -800-322-3086
- MSUB Student Health Services – 406-657-2153
- Yellowstone County Clinic – 406-247-3200
- MSUB Advising & Career Services – 406-657-2240
- – 406-652-3080
Avoiding & Managing Financial Troubles
The following strategies are useful for avoiding and managing financial troubles
- If you receive a financial aid refund, you can use it to prepay off-campus housing expenses
- Apply for financial aid and scholarships early.
- Monitor the status of your financial aid award in myInfo and turn in requirements right away, so aid is not delayed.
- Keep $800 in savings at all times for emergencies or as a cash-flow cushion for bills.
- Your financial aid refund can be used to build your cushion
- Protect yourself financially with health and auto insurance (apply for Medicaid if you are lower income)
- Have a support system in place – family, friends, MSUB student services, community agencies
- Take advantage of any public assistance programs for which you are eligible while you are a student. You will be giving back to the community once your earn your degree and transition into the workplace.
- Take steps to protect yourself from identity theft
- Don’t borrow more in student loans than you need or can repay
- if you have a financial hardship while in repayment: you have options