University Campus Information Desk: 406-657-2011 (V/TTY)

City College at MSU Billings Campus Operator: 406-247-3000 (V/TTY)

Below are some phone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail links you can use to contact us at MSU Billings. If you don't see the department or individual you are looking for, you may call the one of the operators listed above or try the Faculty/Staff Directory. Please note that there is no Student Directory online and that MSU Billings employees generally cannot give out directory information for students.

The area code for MSU Billings (and all of Montana) is 406. Montana is located in the Mountain Standard Time Zone, and most offices are open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Campus Locations

University Campus:
1500 University Drive
Billings, Montana 59101-0245

City College at MSU Billings Campus:
3803 Central Avenue
Billings, MT 59102


Mailing Addresses

[Individual Name]
[Department Name]

1500 University Drive
Billings, Montana 59101-0245

[Individual Name]
[Department Name]
City College at MSU Billings
3803 Central Avenue
Billings, MT 59102



Please address admission requirement or application questions to this office.
Toll-Free: 1-800-565-MSUB
City College: 
(406) 247-3000

List of degree programs offered at MSU Billings
Online Application Forms
Registration Information


Registrar's Office

Phone: 406-657-2158
Toll-Free: 1-800-565-MSUB
City College: 406-247-3000

Registration Information
Graduation Information
Transcript Requests


Fee Payment

Cashier:  406-657-1709
Business Office Web Site
Tuition and Fees


Financial Aid and Scholarships

Phone: 406-657-2188
Fax: 406-657-1789
City College: 406-247-3004
Selected forms online


Employment/Human Resources

MSU Billings ADA/AA/EEO information: 406-657-2278 (voice/TTY)
Fax: 406-657-2120
Human Resources Website

Employers seeking a place to list job openings for students and alumni of MSU Billings can do so online through Career & Employment Services


Information Technology/Service Desk Services

IT Service Desk: 406-247-5700 (for on-campus technical support)
Student Registration Website (Banner) Help: 


International Education

Phone: 406-657-1705
Information for International Students



Phone: 406-657-1662E-mail: library@msubillings.eduLibrary Website


Housing & Residence Life

Office Phone: 406-657-2333; E-mail:
If you want to know about student housing options at MSU-Billings, contact this office for information.
Housing & Residence Life Website


Sports Information/ Yellowjacket Athletics

Athletics Administration - Phone: 406-657-2369; Fax: 406-657-2919
Sports Information - Phone: 406-657-2130; Fax: 406-657-2919


Center for Engagement

Phone: 406-657-2387
E-mail the Reservations & Conference Coordinator:


University Communications & Marketing

Phone: 406-657-2266
University Communications & Marketing Website