Chart of Accounts Revenue Codes
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582002 | Mandatory Transfers-In | Y | A | ||||||||
53960 | First Land Grant | Y | A | ||||||||
53961 | Land Grant Income | Y | A | ||||||||
53962 | Mandatory Transfers-In | Y | A | ||||||||
53963 | Second Land Grant | Y | A | ||||||||
53973 | General Fund Appropriations | Y | A | ||||||||
582003 | Non-Mandatory Higher Ed Transfers | Y | A | ||||||||
53970 | Bond Transfers in from MSU | Y | A | ||||||||
53971 | CHE Unexpended Approps Transfer | Y | A | ||||||||
53972 | ERA Millage Appropriations | Y | A | ||||||||
53974 | Long Range Building Transfers | Y | A | ||||||||
53975 | Non-Mandatory Transfers in | Y | A | ||||||||
53976 | Phone Center Transfers in | Y | A | ||||||||
53977 | Print Center Transfers in | Y | A |