
Recruiting a great MSUB student can happen in these ways:

  • Employers registered in the MSUB database can post open positions and participate in events.
  • Virtual and on-campus recruitment can occur throughout the academic year on each of the MSUB campuses during our career events.
  • Employers must comply and follow Campus Recruiting Policies.  Please note that employers must not solicit or sell products/services or offer any financial promotional offerings during the course of the recruiting process. 

Career Fairs

Any private or public enterprise offering career positions and internships to MSU Billings students is invited to enjoy the benefits of career fair participation. Explore upcoming Career Events, and then


Career & Employment Services can assist with arranging interviews with qualified students. Contact our office staff if your company is interested in holding on-campus or virtual interviews with great MSUB students.


Job Vacancies

Employers who wish to advertise open positions and internships need to .  

By choosing to recruit with MSU Billings, your organization agrees that no student or graduate will be denied work or subjected to different treatment on the grounds of race, color, national origin, age or gender.