There are many ways that the Center for Engagement can help spread the word about your student organization and its events/programs. Please see below for a description of how to utilize each resource we have available to you.

Promotion Resources

Jacket Journal (e-newsletter)

The Jacket Journal is an email newsletter that goes to ALL MSUB students bi-weekly. On the submission form, you will be asked to submit ajpeg image with a hyperlink, so be sure to have those ready. If applicable to faculty/staff, you can also submit to the Hive on the same form.

Make a submission to the Jacket Journal.

Campus Leak

The Campus Leak is our physical posting in just about every bathroom stall on campus. Space is limited, and the Center for Engagement reviews requests from sources: Events posted on Master Calendar [see below]; and if its booked in the university's electronic management system. Please submit your events to either (1) or (2) to be considered for the Campus Leak.

TV Monitor Slides

Around campus, there are a variety of TV Monitors that display slides to students and the community. To submit a slide to these monitors, you will need to email a 16:9 format jpeg to (16:9 format slides can be made in PowerPoint and saved as a jpeg).

Center for Engagement Facebook Page

To share an event or activity to the MSUB Center for Engagement Facebook page, email us a direct link to the event and the date you would request it to be shared. (Due to scheduling conflicts, we may not be able to share your post on a given day, but will do our best to post it in a timely manner).

Posting Guidelines (Flyers/Posters)

If you would like to distribute flyers or posters around campus, see our Posting Guidelines which details where and how to get permission to do that. (Student organizations are responsible for visiting each of these offices on their own).

Master Calendar

Faculty, staff, and some students use the Master Calendar to keep track of university events. Submissions can be made to the , by clicking "log in" at the top right corner, and signing in with your NETID and password.

Reserve a Table

Want to get out there and recruit students directly? The Center for Engagement can set up a table for your organization in any of the major common areas on campus. To reserve a space, please email us the following information to the Center for Engagement: (1) the desired space you hope to use; (2) the date(s) you wish to host a table; (3) the time range you will need the table; (4) the purpose of the tabling event; and (5) contact information for the people at the table.

Press Release

If your event is open to the community and is large enough in scale, it could be a good candidate for a press release. The Center for Engagement Team would happily coach you through writing a press release for a major event, to be determined on a case-by-case basis. To talk about a press release, please email us or call the Center for Engagement (406-657-2320).


Student organizations may print materials for free in the Center for Engagement Office if they are related to student org activities.