Registered Student Organizations are allowed to travel as part of an organization-related trip anywhere off-campus. Please submit the forms below no fewer than 14 days prior to the travel date. For INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL please contact the Center for Engagement at least one month prior to the travel date.

Steps for Successful Travel

  1. Ensure your group has plenty of time to plan the trip and complete required paperwork. We recommend starting the planning process at least 4 weeks prior to departure.
  2. Talk with your student organization adviser about the trip.
  3. Visit with the Student Engagement Coordinator (SUB 221; 406-657-2320) to ensure all pre-trip planning is underway.
  4. Complete the required forms for travel, as directed below.
  5. Plan out transportation, food, and lodging. Determine if any of these costs will be covered by the student organization.

After travel, fill out required forms and submit all original receipts related to the travel to the Center for Engagement office (SUB 219) for reimbursement.

Travel Forms

  1.  - This form is necessary to inform the University where you are traveling, who is traveling, and how you can be reached in case of an emergency. This should be filled out by the trip coordinator or organizer. Only one of these forms needs to be submitted per trip for the entire group. If per-diem or related expenses need to be paid by check prior to departure, please fill out the “Advance” lines; otherwise, these may be skipped. Please submit this form at least 14 days prior to departure.
  1. - It is required that participants in off-campus activities should sign a general assumption of risk form. Students should be aware of potential risks of participating in the trip, and note that University insurance will not cover them while participating. Students are also asked to provide a contact person in case of emergencies.
  1.  Travel Expense Voucher- If an advance was requested on the Student Travel Authorization Form (#1), a Travel Expense Voucher is required after the trip. One form will need to be completed for each traveler who received an advance.
  1. If no advance was requested, a copy of the Travel Authorization form with the name and student IDs of each traveler should be sent to the Business Office. Please contact the Student Engagement Coordinator for assistance (SUB 221; 406-657-2320).
  1. Please submit this form AFTER travel to ensure complete information, including specific rooms/suites occupied. Student organization trips that last longer than one night need to submit the following information on the Clery Travel Form: the address(es) of the hotel(s) occupied; the room numbers of all rooms occupied by students; the frequency of the trip; and the law enforcement agency for the trip’s destination (if known). Please contact the Student Engagement Coordinator for assistance (SUB 221; 406-657-2320).

Travel Verification Letters

The Center for Engagement can provide a letter verifying your registered student organization travel which can be supplied to faculty if organized travel conflicts with academic obligations. Please visit SUB 221 or email to request this letter.

Personal Vehicle Use

Student drivers should be informed that if they choose to drive their own cars for a University-sponsored activity, an accident would not be covered by State insurance. All policies and registering club travel still applies. We do not encourage using students as drivers for off-campus activities, but if there are no university employees available, the State insurance will cover students when driving a State car.

Rental Vehicles

The University has arrangements with a number of car/van rental companies. If you would like more information on how to rent vehicles for a trip your organization is planning, please inquire at the Student Union & University Events Office.

It is against University Policy to rent 15 passenger vans. Driving vans of this size increases safety concerns, we can assist you in making arrangements for smaller vehicles. 

Spending Club Funds

If your student group plans to spend money on this trip (i.e. meals, gas, fees), please visit the Center for Engagement so that these can arranged in advance if time allows. If a staff or faculty member is traveling with the student group, they may use a purchasing card for all purchases related to the trip, which can later be billed to the student group's account. All original receipts must be submitted at the end of the trip to the Center for Engagement Office.

If purchases are made with a student's personal finances and the student would like to be reimbursed, submit all original receipts to Center for Engagement Office. Reimbursements require additional paperwork to be deducted from the club's account and take a few weeks to process- so please work with the Center for Engagement to make advanced purchases if possible.

If your student group would like to apply for additional funding for an upcoming trip, please review the Contingency Account General Information and complete a request.