City College Leadership Award
Mr. Craig McKenzie
Computer Technology and Drafting-Design, Department Chair
Craig McKenzie, department chair and instructor of computer systems technology, has
shown a longstanding commitment to to being a leader and mentor to City College’s
faculty, staff and students. His contributions span more than 20 years, all of which
have been pivotal to the successes of the college’s journey to becoming a truly comprehensive
two-year college.
This year’s recipient of the City College Leadership Award, Craig’s Leadership helps to create an atmosphere of success and sets the standard for excellence among his peers.
“I have worked with no other person more dedicated to the continuous improvement of the college and university,” a colleague said. “He is a mentor and advisor to all at City College, to junior faculty to administrators. His leadership is far reaching and his hand guides not just City College, but the University Campus as well.
He is a true leader who has worked tirelessly to propel City College to new heights and aid in the development of the college’s mission, fostering a vision of the college that all want to work in, inspiring faculty and staff to make changes to achieve that vision.
Among many other leadership endeavors, Craig has served as his department’s chair, as a representative on Academic Senate, on the University Budget and the Perkins Grant committees, and as president of Vocational Technical Educators of Montana.
“Leadership, to me, is about presenting ideas. You have to keep putting ideas out there. It’s about getting people to talk,” Craig said. “The other part is about listening. That’s the art of a being a leader.”
Craig’s leadership, vision and effusive enthusiasm are an inspiration to many.