Part-Time Faculty Award

Hans Bone
Part-time Instructor, Nursing, Health and Public Safety, CC
Since 2014, Mr. Hans Bone has demonstrated excellence as a part-time faculty member, serving his community as a physician assistant and his students as an instructor at City College. In his role as a physician assistant at St. Vincent Healthcare, he specializes in pain management and has eleven years of experience in both clinical and research medicine.
“As a part-time instructor he has been critical to the many successes of City College's Health Occupations programs. Hans is highly intelligent, motivated, insightful and personable— all characteristics which have contributed to his excellence as an instructor,” reflects a colleague.
Bone has instructed several courses including Foundations of Human Biology, Foundations of Human Biology Lab, Anatomy and Physiology, and Medical Terminology. He has an exceptional ability to quickly and easily grasp highly complex issues, enabling him to develop and teach well thought-out and highly organized online courses. Whereas some professors may struggle with converting courses of such rigor to an online platform, Bone has done it seamlessly and skillfully.
While he stays busy with his job as a physician assistant, he has shown dedication and commitment to his job as an instructor as well. Apart from teaching his own courses, Bone also contributes to City College by regularly collaborating on course design with other faculty members to enhance his own courses. These collaborations have truly improved his courses and student performance, in challenging courses such as Anatomy and Physiology.
Not only is Bone knowledgeable about his courses, but he educates with kindness. “He teaches, guides, comforts and encourages his students and exhibits a high degree of professionalism in all that he does,” explains a colleague. Bone instills passion for learning in his students and encourages them through the difficult courses he teaches.
Bone is an exemplary candidate and deserving recipient of the Excellence Award for Part-Time Faculty through all of his hard work and the excellence he has demonstrated as a valued instructor at City College.