Winston & Helen Cox Fellowship Award

Tien Chih, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Mathematics, CLASS
Dr. Tien Chih is well aware that mathematics is not typically a student-favorite course. However, assistant professor of mathematics, Chih describes math as being a great passion in his life.
In 2017, Chih joined the MSU Billings community eager to implement new approaches to mathematics. A year after being hired, he was selected as a cohort faculty member to incorporate High Impact Practices (HIPs) into the curriculum. Using HIPs encouraged engaging, hands-on learning rather than the classic lecture-testing style, something students found to be much more positive and enjoyable.
As an innovative teacher, Chih has a number of approaches for various courses that involve interaction of data, so students are able to see “real world” scenarios. Aside from applying a new style of teaching, Chih has implemented Mastery Based Grading which encourages students to re-learn a topic, rather than moving forward without retaining all aspects. These successes granted Chih the honor of being named to the first cohort of Montana University System Regents Teaching Scholars. As a result, Chih was tasked as the lead in implementing HIPs throughout general education courses at MSUB.
“Dr. Chih is making strong progress in establishing Excellence in the professional area of Classroom Teaching,” comments fellow colleague. “He is clearly becoming a valuable member of our campus community as well as for the regional community we serve.”
Chih completed a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics in 2007, a Master of Arts in Mathematics at in 2009, and a doctorate degree in 2014. In addition to his teaching duties, Chih coordinates the MSUB Math Circle, serves as editor for the Math Circle journals, is a task force member for MSUB Teaching and Learning Center, and a member of MSUB Science Expo Steering Committee.
Chih’s passion for mathematics is truly contagious and has earned him recognition and appreciation by students, faculty, and administrators at MSUB and across the state. His scholarly endeavors include numerous publications and directing students in grant funded undergraduate research.
For his immeasurable impacts on the field of mathematics and the next generation, Dr. Tien Chih is named the 2021 Winston and Helen Cox Fellowship Award recipient.