Brenda Dockery

Brenda Dockery

Adjunct Instructor, COB

Through her intensive work mentoring young women in the Billings community as well as her own colleagues and students at , Ms. Brenda Dockery has earned the 2021 Dr. Tasneem Khaleel Award for Mentoring Young Professional Women.

Dockery is dedicated to shaping the next generation of females through her campus and community involvement. Dockery has served women in the Billings community and surrounding area through various experiential learning projects as an Adjunct Instructor in the College of Business since 2011. She regularly works with the Business Professionals of America, volunteers for Career Day presentations in School District 2, and other next-gen community service projects. Dockery has extensively worked on internships through the College of Business, liaising with both students and employers to connect them and create meaningful opportunities that are mutually beneficial.

Dockery’s incredible ability to collaborate with others, convene people together, and support those around her have not gone unnoticed. “The middle school, high school, and university students supported and touched through these above programs have been countless, and multiple have reached out to share the impact she has had on their professional choices and future success,” shares a colleague.

Her interest in mentoring women does not stop with the local youth and her students. Dockery has also shown a committed interest in assisting her colleagues, both in the COB and campuswide. She has taken the time to assist various faculty and staff over the years by sharing resources, advising, and genuinely caring about them and their successes.

Dockery is an active member of the Women’s Faculty Caucus and spends time nurturing her relationships with other members of the caucus. She takes the opportunity at meetings to share and discuss important topics that are crucial to enhancing the opportunities for career advancement and success, in teaching, scholarship, service, and leadership among women.

In the words of her nominator, “My nomination comes as one of those young professional women she has supported through my own career, and I have seen this same exemplary support for many others around her.”