The Early Achievement Research and Creative Accomplishments Award recognizes a pre-tenure faculty member who has demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in research and/or creative activity unusually early in their professional career.

Eligibility: Pre-tenure faculty who are employed at .5 FTE or higher, are within their first five years at MSUB, and have never previously won this award.

Award Amount: $3,000 stipend

Criteria: Documented evidence of exemplary research/creative accomplishments as evaluated by peers and experts in their field. State or national recognition in the academic community. Evidence of a positive impact of their research/creative activity on their discipline, department, and/or college.

Guidelines for Submitting Nominations: Letters of nomination may come from all members of the campus community. Self-nominations are accepted. Nomination must include:

  • Nomination statement of at least one page and no more than three pages that addresses the trajectory of nominee’s scholarship. Highlight specific examples from nominee’s CV and discuss the impact of these accomplishments on the field, the community or region, the institution, and teaching/students.
  • Curriculum Vita (maximum 15 pages)

 One letter of support

must be submitted by October 28,2024, by 5 pm.

Once the nomination is submitted, the nominee will be contacted to determine if he/she wishes to have his/her name moved forward in the nomination process. Upon an affirmative answer, further instructions will be supplied.

Recent Past Winners 

2024 Melinda Aley