This award is intended to recognize excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service, as evidenced by past performance of an individual who is part-time faculty.

Eligibility: Faculty who are currently part-time at MSUB and have not received the award in the last 3 years

Award Amount: $1,000

Criteria: Evidence of excellence in teaching

Guidelines for Submitting Nominations: Letters of nomination may come from all members of the campus community. Self-nominations are not accepted. The nomination for the part-time faculty member must include specific reference to accomplishments in teaching, and may include notation of contributions in the areas of scholarship/creative endeavor, and service if appropriate.

must be submitted by October 28th, 2024, by 5 pm.

Once the nomination is submitted, the nominee will be contacted to determine if he/she wishes to have his/her name moved forward in the nomination process. Upon an affirmative answer, further instructions will be supplied.

Recent Past Winners

2021 Hans Bone

2022 Cindy Millard

2023 Lorrie Joan Henrie-Koski

2024 Gary Amundson