This award recognizes a faculty member for their outstanding contributions to service learning efforts on campus.

Eligibility: Faculty of any rank participating in service learning who has not won the award in the last 3 years

Award Amount: $1,000 stipend

Criteria: Demonstrated positive impact on students and the Billings community through service learning projects

Guidelines for Submitting Nominations: Letters of nomination may come from all members of the campus community, and external service learning partners. Self-nominations are not accepted. The nomination should include specific reference to direct or indirect impact, on both students and the community, of the service learning project(s), the learning outcomes for the project(s), and the methodology employed in the project(s).

must be submitted by October 28th, 2024, by 5 pm.

Once the nomination is submitted, the nominee will be contacted to determine if he/she wishes to have his/her name moved forward in the nomination process. Upon an affirmative answer, further instructions will be supplied.

Recent Past Winners

2020  Anna Talafuse

2021  No Award Given

2022  Rachael Waller

2023  Melissa Sullivan-Walker

2024  Ryan Butler, Keeara Rhoades