Welding & Trades Expo
Thursday, February 27

RSVP's Now Closed - Please contact the Office of Admissions for late additions

8:30 am – Check-in (Tech building)

9:00 am – Welcome

9:15 am – 11:30am Demonstrations & live welding competition

11:30 -12:00 – Lunch and visit with businesses

12:00-12:15 – Welding awards ceremony

*We will have a live “welding competition” with limited spots. Students can also bring small welding projects to be judged. For more information on the welding competition and welding projects please contact:  

Kaili Payne – 406-247-3015 kaili.payne@msubillings.edu

Healthcare & Safety Expo
Thursday, February 13

Explore the numerous healthcare and safety programs offered through City College and partnerships with other Montana colleges.

Faculty will offer demos on equipment and insights into what their career field entails. 

What a great way to see multiple health fields and safety careers in one setting!

Healthcare:  Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Nursing (Practical and Registered), Radiologic Technology, Surgical Technology

Safety:  Fire Science, Paramedic

Choose either the Morning Session or the Afternoon Session.

Morning Sessions

8:00 am – Check-in (Health Science building)

8:15 am – Welcome

8:20 – 10:15 am:  Program Rotations

Afternoon Sessions

11:55 am – Check-in (Health Science building)

12:15 pm – Welcome

12:20 – 2:10 pm Program Rotations