The Four A's  

  • Avoid - certain people and places can be a temptation to smoke. Later on these situations will be easier to avoid.
  • Alter - For example, switch to soft drinks or water instead of alcohol or coffee. Take different routes to work
  • Alternatives - use oral substitutions such as sugarless gum, hard candy, raw vegetables such as carrot sticks, or sunflower seeds.
  • Activities - exercise or hobbies that keep hands busy (needlework, woodworking, etc.) can help distract the urge to smoke. Take a 15-minute walk once or twice a day, and work up from there, especially during the times you would normally smoke or use tobacco

More Tips...

  • Tell a friend! Try quitting with someone. You will have a friend to talk to about how you feel and this support will help keep you on track.
  • Counseling and medications can increase your chances of quitting. Talk to your doctor about the best options for you.
  • Write down your top 3 smoking triggers. Knowing your triggers is the only way to avoid them!
  • Drinking a lot of water on will fight off cravings and help to keep you hydrated!
  • Need motivation? Make a list of your reasons for quitting. Put it someplace you can see every day. Keep thinking about why you want to quit
  • Deep Breaths- Relax! Close your eyes and take 10 slow, deep breaths.
  • Tell yourself “no.” Say it out loud. Practice doing this a few times, and listen to yourself. Some other things you can say to yourself might be, “I’m too strong to give in to smoking”; “I’m a nonsmoker now”
  • Reward yourself. Plan to do something fun for doing your best. Don’t wait a month of being smoke-free to reward yourself. Reward yourself for getting through the first day, then the first week, etc. Celebrate your important milestones.
  • Join a club or support group
  • Tell someone your quit date
  • Keep your hands busy, keep a pencil, pen, stress ball etc.

Students needing more help contact or visit Student Health Services! We offer Providers who can prescribe medications to help you further succeed in staying tobacco free along with counselors who can help with stress management and emotional support. Also swing by to get a free Quit Kit if you haven’t already.

Second floor of the tech building (City College)
Second floor Petro hall (University)

Contact us at:
Student Health Services
Office Number: 406-657-2153
City College Phone: (406) 247-3027

Employees who wish to quit tobacco and are on the MUS medical benefits plan can contact the MUS Employee Benefits Department at 1-877-501-1722 or visit the to learn about possible tobacco cessation options.

Anyone can use Quit Line: 1-800-QUIT-NOW

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