What is Office 365 ProPlus?

MSU Billings provides every active student, staff, and faculty member access Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus for free! Office 365 ProPlus is a license that provides all MSUB students, staff, and faculty the latest version of Microsoft Office for PC, Mac, and mobile devices. Office 365 ProPlus will stay active and licensed as long as you are a current student or employee of MSUB.  

How to Download and Install

To download your free copy of Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus:

1) Log into the .

2) Enter your MSU Billings email address (Firstname.Lastname@msubillings.edu).

Note: Your FirstLastID is typically your first name and last name separated by a dot. Example: Joe Smith is joe.smith. If you have a common first and last name, you may have a number at the end of your ID (joe.smith8). You can look up your MSU Billings email address in myInfo by clicking Personal Information | View IDs. Your email address will be in the Official University Email Address box.  

Enter your MSUB email address.

3) Click Next.

4) Enter your password. This is the same password used for logging into D2L and campus computers.

5) Click Sign in.

6) You'll have the option to stay signed in if you'd like. 

7)  On the welcome page, click the Install and more button on the upper right corner of the window and then click Install Microsoft 365 apps to begin the installation. 

Office ProPlus Installation Button

Note: Download speeds may vary depending on your connection (wired or wireless). Please be patient as the download is a very large.

IMPORTANT: If you already have a previous version of Microsoft Office installed on your computer, you must uninstall it before downloading Office 365 ProPlus.

8) Click the Install Office button.

Click Install Office

8) Save the OfficeSetup.exe file to begin the installation.

Office Installation Options

9) Once the installation completes, upon opening an Office product the first time, you'll be asked to log in. Login with your MSUB email address and the password you use for D2L or campus computers (just like you did in step 2). 

Mobile Device Installation


 iOS (iPhones and iPads)

 Android (Phones & Tablets)


If you have questions or need assistance with your download, contact the IT Service desk at 247-5755 or visit the Information Commons in the Library.