Self-Service Password Portal
The Self-Service Password Reset Portal allows you to reset your password if it has been forgotten or to unlock your account if you've locked yourself out.
Important: All MSUB students, faculty, and staff must set up a new user profile in the password reset page before they will be able to set or change their NetID password. It doesn't matter if you've been at MSUB for years or are new to campus, a new user profile must be set up.
What's Required when Setting up a New Profile
- You will need to know your NetID when setting up your profile. Please check your acceptance letter for your NetID. If you've forgotten or don't have a NetID, you can .
- New user setup requires the setting of challenge questions and also the option to set up an alternative email and/or text messaging for future resets.
- Setting up a new profile requires you to enter your NetID and then provide your MSUB
ID/GID (-12345678) and Date of Birth (MMDDYYYY or 07211996).
Note: User profiles can be set up and updated at any time without having to change your password.
Instructions to Get Started
Start by setting up your user profile within the password reset portal.
- Browse to the .
- Enter your NetID and click the Continue button.
- On the Confirm NetID screen, click Authenticate with Challenge Questions.
- Enter your MSUB ID/GID (-012345678) and Birth Date (July 21, 1998 = 07211998) to confirm
your identity. After doing so, click Continue.
- On the Challenge Questions screen, configure 5 challenge questions and click the Continue
- The Configuring Email Authentication screen allows you to set an alternative email address where you can send a code.
Click the Continue button when ready. If you do not want to set an alternative email, click the Skip
- On the Configuring Text Authentication screen set your cell phone number and carrier so you can receive a code via text
message. Click the Continue button when ready. If you don't want to set a phone number, click Skip.
- You've now successfully set up your password reset portal. Click the Finish button.
Password Reset
After setting up your profile, follow these steps to set/reset your NetID password.
- Browse to the .
- Enter your NetID and click the Continue button.
- Click the Password Reset icon.
- Select the authentication method you want to use to confirm your identity.
- After verifying your identity, review the password rules and enter your new password
into both text boxes under the New Password section. Click the Reset button. You should
see two green check boxes after doing so.
Need Help?
If you need assistance, please reach out to the IT Service Desk at (406) 247-5700 or