Spring permits are available for purchase on December 1st, 2024 and can be purchased online (debit/credit card) or at the Business Services Office (cash or check only).

The MSUB Parking Services Office is temporarily located in the Student Union Building in Yellowstone Conference Room 228, and is open Monday through Friday from 8am until 5pm.

Parking Regulations

à±ßäÂþ»­ parking regulations are to promote the convenience and safety of all personnel on the campus and to facilitate efficient operations. These regulations are part of the terms and conditions pertaining to students who are enrolled at MSU Billings, to faculty and staff who are employed by the University, and are applicable to all vehicle owners/drivers on campus. Parking on the MSU Billings campus is a privilege, not a right.

Get parking map (PDF)

Buy a Permit

Students (MSU Billings and MSU Bozeman)

Please choose one of the following:

  • ""
  • ""
    • All new MSU Bozeman students must select "I am not affiliated..." to create a visitor account using their personal email address. Please retain your password.
  • ""

Faculty & Staff

Please choose one of the following:

  • ""
  • ""

Payroll Deduction

  • Only full-time MSUB faculty and staff members are eligible for payroll deduction. Automatic payroll deduction for the 2024-2025 academic year will close on September 6, 2024. If you miss the deadline and would still like to do payroll deduction, stop by the Parking Office to fill out an adjusted form.

Visitor & Event Parking

Daily parking permits cost $5. They are available for purchase at the Parking Services Office or you can online. Hourly parking permits can also be purchased in the Mobile Pay areas located in the designated visitor lots. The fee for hourly parking is $2 per hour.  See the parking map to find a visitor lot.

  • For departments hosting events during regular business hours, please contact the Parking Office at 406-657-1704 or msubparking@msubillings.edu to make arrangements.
  • All parking lots require a parking permit.
  • The same permit can be used on the University and City College campuses.
  • Having difficulty finding a spot? Daily permits and hourly permits are both valid in the Poly Drive parking garage.

Pay or Appeal a Fine

Please choose one of the following:

  • "" 
  • ""
  • "" 
Vehicle Permit Fees
1. Annual $150.00
2. Academic $125.00
3. Semester $75.00
5. Summer (May-August) $50.00
6. Motorcycle (Annual) $20.00
7. Daily $5.00
8. Hourly Pay-N-Display $2.00/hr
9. Weekly Permit (2 week Max) $10.00
10. Monthly Permit $30.00
11. Reserved Annual (Faculty/Staff) $250.00
Debit/credit payment may be made online. Check/cash payment may be made at the Parking Office on the University Campus (1500 University Drive). Do not mail cash.


1. Failure to register a vehicle or display valid permit $40.00
2. Parking in designated No Parking Zone $40.00
3. Parking in Loading Zones over 15 minutes or without emergency flashers on $40.00
4. Parking in non-designated areas such as lawns or sidewalks $40.00
5. Unauthorized parking in Disabled space $100.00
6. Failure to pay in a designated Mobile Pay space $40.00
7. Parking in the wrong lot $40.00
8. Improper display of permit $40.00
9. False permit/false use of permit $40.00
10. Failure to resolve a fine within seven (7) calendar days $10.00
11. Improper parking of motorcycles or bicycles $40.00
12. Other violations $40.00
13. Parking in Reserved (CV) or Shop Vehicles Only spaces $40.00 and/or immediate tow plus expenses
Debit/credit payment may be made online. Check/cash payment may be made at the Parking Office on the University Campus (1500 University Drive). Do not mail cash.