à±ßäÂþ» Notice to all Students
October 2010
Loss of Student Eligibility for Federal Aid due to Drug Conviction
The Higher Education Amendments of 1998 include a new student eligibility provision. It provides that a student is ineligible for federal student aid if convicted, under federal or state law, of any offense involving the possession or sale of a controlled substance during a period of enrollment in which federal student aid was received. Federal aid can be grants, student loans, and/or college work-study. The period of ineligibility begins on the date of the conviction and lasts until the end of a statutorily specified period. The student may regain eligibility early by completing a drug rehabilitation program or if the conviction is overturned.
If convicted of an offense involving possession of a controlled substance, the ineligibility period is:
First Offense -- 1 year
Second Offense -- 2 years
Third Offense -- Indefinite
If convicted of an offense involving the sale of a controlled substance, the ineligibility period is:
First Offense -- 2 years
Second Offense -- Indefinite