Prior to coming to campus

First three days of classes are online only (January 13-15)

☐&Բ;Consider a seven-day self-quarantine before returning to campus, especially if you have traveled to or internationally

  • If you do not get a COVID-19 test, consider a ten-day self-quarantine

☐&Բ;If you are currently sick, please remain off campus until you are symptom free or tested negative for COVID-19

☐ If you have COVID-19, please follow the for when you can be around others

  • Contact your professors prior to the start of spring semester for accommodations until you are healthy and can attend classes in person

☐ Review MSUB’s COVID-19 information and guidelines

☐ Review MSUB’s COVID-19 Decision Tree so you know what to do if you test positive for COVID-19 or have symptoms

What to bring with you

☐ Face masks or face coverings*

☐ Hand sanitizer*

*A ‘Jacket Safety Kit will be provided to you upon your return to campus which includes two cloth face masks, hand sanitizer, and a COVID-19 safety card and information. Hand sanitizer stations can be found throughout campus and each classroom has a cleaning caddy. Bring additional hand sanitizer and other sanitizing supplies if you would like.

Get tech ready

☐&Բ; to your NetID account. Your NetID account will get you into D2L and most other applications on campus. 

Login to D2L before your first class

☐ to confirm or update your contact information

  • While in MyInfo, sign up for MSUB’s emergency text messages by verifying/updating your cell phone number.
    1. Click the Personal Information tab
    2. Click Verify/Update cell number
    3. Enter your cell number and click Update
    4. Your cell number will then show up under the Phone heading

☐&Բ;Visit the IT Department’s website to learn about the software and services available to MSUB students.

Get ready for class

☐ Let your professors know in advance if you are in a high-risk population or live with someone who is, so that you can work out necessary accommodations

Log into D2L before your first class and check messages from your professors in case there are any last-minute class updates

☐ Learn how you can utilize the Library virtually

Get involved

☐ Check out MSUB’s COVID-19 health and safety protocols

☐ Take advantage of the Rec Center and pool

☐ Contact the Center for Engagement for spring events or a list of student organizations to join

Bookmark these pages

Academic Support Center


Business Office/Student Accounts

Financial Aid

eLearning & D2L help

Student Health Services

Housing & Residence Life

Disability Support Services

COVID-19 Central

Voluntary COVID-19 Self-Reporting Form

University Police