Student Resolution

If you have problems with your grades, professors, or a school problem in general, come and visit with the Student Resolution Officer or send an email to This SRO is based in the ASMSUB Office, Room 213 of the SUB, or call 657-1698 to make an appointment.

Child Care Scholarships

Scholarships may be available to a limited number of MSU Billings students who meet the requirements. These scholarships are allocated in the fall and spring. To apply, complete the Child Care Scholarship application procedure.

ASMSUB Future Leader Scholarship

Each year ASMSUB selects one main campus student and one City College student to be the recipient of the ASMSUB Future Leaders Scholarship. The scholarship is funded through volunteer hours that ASMSUB has sponsored by the campus community (administration, faculty, staff and alumni).

Undergraduate/Graduate Research Fund

ASMSUB has an undergrad/grad research fund that students can utilize each year. However, this fund only has roughly $2,000 available each year.

If there is no more money available through the undergraduate/graduate research budget, then graduate students may obtain funding through a contingency request.

  1. Grad students can be eligible for contingency funding ONLY if they are not receiving credit for the project they wish to present. If they are receiving credit, it would be considered educational in nature; contingency funds are not allocated for educational purposes; they are for activities.
  2. Grad students must raise money to cover 30% of the costs...(can only ask for up to 70% of total costs)

Contingency Account

The allocation of Contingency Account funds is done by the ASMSUB Student Senate under the advisement of its Financial Board. The Financial Board is one of the standing committees of the Student Senate.  Its membership is appointed during fall semester by the Executive Cabinet. Generally, five members of the Student Senate serve on the Financial Board.

Student Activities Board

The Student Activities Board provides campus programming and activities for the student body. These programs are available to all campus students and funded by ASMSU Billings. The SAB plans and organizes movies, lectures, socials, dances, concerts, and performing acts for the MSU Billings campus. SAB members are selected from an application process each fall. If you are interested in applying to be a SAB member, stop by the SAB office, Room 212 in the SUB.

Student Legal Services

ASMSUB no longer funds legal services for students. However, the following is a list of other legal resources.

American Civil Liberties Union 406-248-1086
Child Support Enforcement Division 800-346-5473
Consumer Complaints 406-444-4500
Governor's Advocates Hotline
(State Government Problems)
Human Rights Commission 800-542-0807
Montana Fair Housing 406-877-7353
Montana Legal Services 800-666-6899
Public Service Commission
(Utility Issues)
State Auditor/ Insurance Commissioner 800-332-6148
YWCA Battered Victims Hotline 406-259-8100

Montana Associated Students

The Montana Associated Students (MAS) is the combined student governments of the eleven campuses of the Montana University System. Each campus is represented by one voting member (the student body president) and one non-voting, ex-office member. MAS advises the Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education regarding matters that directly and indirectly affect Montana students. MAS also coordinates programs and activities of a common interest to the student associations of each of the individual campuses.