Employer's Responsibilties in Hosting Interns
Submit an Internship Opportunity
Any private or public enterprise offering career positions and/or internships may be eligible to host a student intern.
Develop a job description which outlines duties and responsibilities, identifying the role an intern will play in your organization.
No more than 20% of the intern's responsibilities may be administrative in nature or involve duties not related to their field of study.
Establish a wage for paid internships; see Fair Labor Standards Act for details.
Post your internship online in .
Select an Intern
Review résumés and conduct interviews to select student(s) to interview.
Choose the best candidate for your internship position and finalize agreement on responsibilities, pay, and work schedule with the student.
Sign the student's electronic Learning Agreement after making sure job duties and responsibilities are correct and complete.
Your organization agrees that no student will be denied work or be subjected to different treatment on the grounds of race, color, national origin, age or sex.
Provide your intern with a copy of your organization's policies.
Your organization ensures that interns are in a safe working environment, free from hazards identified under state/federal guidelines such as OSHA and MSHA.
Your organization agrees to abide by the terms of participation regarding Workers' Compensation and insurance guidelines.
Supervise Your Intern in the Workplace
Assign a supervisor who understands and supports the objectives outlined in the Learning Agreement mentioned above.
The designated supervisor should schedule regular supervisory meetings with the intern.
Provide your intern with a complete orientation to the work environment and company policies and procedures.
Plan for work assignments. Please make every effort to keep interns involved with meaningful and challenging work assignments which relate to their academic and career goals.
University representatives will contact you during the course of the internship to coordinate a site visit. Site visits are very informal and last approximately 30 minutes.
Please complete the Internship evaluation form and discuss it with your intern before submitting it.
Contact Career & Employment Services or the student's faculty supervisor immediately if problems or questions occur.
Recruitment and selection procedures applied under the Internship program will be consistent with MSU Billings' Affirmative Action Plan.
Pursuant to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments,
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Vietnam era
and Disabled Veterans Act, as amended, and the Montana State Human Rights Act—Montana
State University Billings has a policy of nondiscrimination in employment practices
and in admissions, access to and conduct of educational programs and activities.
Discrimination is prohibited on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, religion,
age, disability, or marital status. Any student, employee, applicant for admission
or employment may file a discrimination grievance. Inquiries or grievances should
be directed to the Human Resources/EEO-AA Director in McMullen Hall Room 310, phone