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As a Faculty Supervisor, What is my Role in Internships?

Faculty Supervisors are a vital partner in the success of the internship program. Your role is to serve as a mentor to students by using your expertise and experience to guide them in the development of academically sound and realistically appropriate knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

Prior to the Start of Internship: 

  1. Using the employer’s job description, faculty supervisors assist students with the development of measurable learning objectives for the internship, these serve as the basis for an intern’s assessment. 

  2. Faculty Supervisors electronically sign the Internship Learning Agreement in CareerLink (you will receive an email with a link), approving the internships based on the student's job description, learning objectives, and methods of evaluation (final paper/project, weekly logs, etc.). 

  3. Faculty supervisors should be familiar with MSUB insurance policy guidelines.

During the Internship:

  1. It is recommended that faculty supervisors perform at least one site visit during the internship in order to assess intern progress. Site visits enable to Faculty Supervisor to evaluate the intern in the work environment, demonstrate a real commitment to the intern’s learning experience, and solidify the relationship between the University and the employer.

    • When distance does not permit an on-site visit, the visit can be in the form of documented correspondence via phone or email with the site supervisor.
  2. Faculty Supervisors should maintain a record of the following items for each intern.

    • Current Job Description
    • Learning Objectives
    • Studen Journals/Logs - Learning from experience is a critical component to the success of an internship and connecting what is learned on-site to classroom instruction is required for an internship.
    • Documentation of contact with the student intern (telephone, on-campus meetings, emails, site visits, etc.)
    • Documentation of contact with the site supervisor (telephone, emails, site visits, etc.)
    • Final evaluation from student and employer. These will be emailed by Advising & Career Services after the end of the term.
  3. Sign the Faculty Supervisor contract and return it to Career & Employment Services during the term.

  4. Complete the end of term evaluation that will be emailed to you during the last two weeks of the term.

Upon Completion of the Internship: 

  1. Faculty Supervisors determine the grade for the internship. While input from site supervisor(s) is expected, faculty supervisors are ultimately responsible for awarding the final grade by the date and time specified by the Registrar.
  1. Eligible Faculty Supervisors may receive a stipend for supervising an intern. The stipend is $40 per credit earned by the student, up to $120 per student, and will only be paid to faculty members who complete all obligations of the role. In order to obtain the $40 per credit stipend, Faculty Supervisors will be REQUIRED to submit the following items to Career & Employment Services.

    • Signed Contract

    • Signed Timesheet

    • Completed Evaluation, Including date(s) and time(s) of required site visit(s)