Student organizations must register at the beginning of each academic year in order to be considered active.  Registration forms should be filled out by the first week of October. Registered student organizations qualify for resources and materials.

Can't find a particular student group on campus? Don't fret! Starting a new student organization can seem very intimidating, but in reality it is a very simple process and the Center for Engagement is ready and waiting to help.  Detailed information about starting a new student organization

Each year, student organizations must complete financial paperwork in order to use their account and spend their funds. If an organization does not have an account, one may be established. For assistance, visit the Center for Engagement, SUB 219.

Student Organizations are assigned an index number in which the Business Office uses to charge and recharge an organization's account. This number can be used to make purchases on campus. 

Student Organizations can order and purchase items off campus, using Banner Payment Authorizations (BPAs) or Credit Card Purchases, through the Center for Engagement, SUB 129.

All student organizations need to have at least two (2) Fund Controllers who are responsible for accessing the group's account. One of the Fund Controllers must be an adviser (faculty or staff of MSUB). In order for an organization to access its account, two Fund Controller signatures are required.

Your student organization must bring their deposits to the Center for Engagement, SUB 219. A deposit envelope will be completed with all of the required information.

Advisers play an immense role in your student organization's success. If your student organization is academic-based, consider looking within the departments that align with the group's interests. If you have some strong connections to professors or staff already, find out if they'd be interested in serving as your adviser. Contact the Center for Engagement, SUB 219, if you'd like help in your search for an adviser. Also check out our resource manual for student organization advisors.

If your student organization is taking any trip outside the city limits a Group Travel Authorization Formmust be completed and turned in online. This form is necessary to inform the University where you are traveling, who is traveling, and how you can be reached in case of an emergency.

There are many ways to spread word about your student group on campus. Consider trying any of the following:

  • Print posters/flyers
  • Table around campus
  • Schedule a meet and greet or interest meeting for people to learn more
  • Provide food at meetings
  • Make an announcement in class
  • Encourage members to bring a friend
  • Create a Facebook page and keep it active with updates

Please see Promoting Your Student Organization for details all of the ways our office can help promote your organization and its events.

You can:

  • Visit the Center for Engagement Office (SUB 219)
  • Email or 
  • Please come prepared with: what date and time you want to table; which location you want to table; and contact information for your the members who will be tabling.