Services for Community & Alumni
As a courtesy, the MSU Billings Library offers limited services to Billings community members and university alumni.
Research Help
The library is happy to help with questions of a scholarly nature or queries about the university. Email us at, call us at 406-657-1662, or stop by our Ask Here Desk on the 2nd floor during our operating hours.
For popular reading materials, genealogy help, or questions about local history, we highly recommend contacting the .
Library Cards
MSU Billings Library cards are available upon request for community borrowers who are 14 years of age or older in Yellowstone County or one of the surrounding counties (Stillwater, Golden Valley, Rosebud, Treasure, Big Horn, or Carbon). For borrowers who are at least 14 but less than 18 years of age, the signature of a parent or guardian is required.
In support of the instructional and research functions of the University, the MSU Billings Library maintains a collection that highlights non-exclusive viewpoints, and may contain materials that some people deem offensive, controversial, or inappropriate. The MSU Billings Library is not responsible for restricting information to anyone of any age and may not be held responsible for decisions regarding library media made by persons under 18 years of age. Parents/guardians of borrowers under 18 years of age agree to be responsible for their children’s borrowing activities and acknowledge that the prohibits MSU Billings staff from disclosing any information about a patron’s library account or borrowing activities, regardless of the patron’s age, except for the purpose of recovering fees or charges.
To register for a card, please present the following items at the Ask Here Desk on the 2nd floor:
- Driver's license
- Passport
- Native American tribal ID
- Military ID
- Permanent resident card (green card)
- Vehicle insurance or registration card
- Voter registration card
- Current utility or telephone bill
- Checking or savings account statement
- Current tax statement
- Rental receipt, lease or deed
- Checkbook with printed name and address
- Recently postmarked item of mail
- Valid fishing license with current address
- Valid hunting license with current address
Borrowing Policies
You can check out books and other items by taking them to the 2nd floor Ask Here Desk or the nearby self-checkout station. Items may be loaned for 3 weeks and renewed once for an additional 3 weeks. To manage loans, please log into your or call 406-657-1662. Although the library does not generate overdue fees for items not returned by their due dates, you will be charged for the cost of replacements if items are lost or are not returned within a reasonable period.
Community borrowers can check out up to 5 items total from the following types:
- Books
- Periodicals (journals, magazines)
- DVDs
- Government documents
Further materials are available for in-library use, but may not be checked out.
- Newspapers
- Reference (style guides, dictionaries, encyclopedias)
- Special collections
For Interlibrary Loan services, alumni can contact to create an account.
The library has 2 computers available for community patrons on the 2nd floor. Remember to follow all IT policies when using university technology. A login card is no longer required, but please remember to close all programs before ending your session.
Printing & Scanning
Printing is no longer available except for government documents. (If your print card has active funds, please contact Business Services for a refund.) For scanning, you are welcome to use the large-format KIC scanner on the 2nd floor.
Using the 2 public computers, community users can access most without a log-in.
- FASB Accounting Standards Codification
- Ebook Central (some titles)
- GARS Governmental Accounting Research System Online
- MontanaLibrary2Go (Libby)
- New York Times Academic Access
- RefWorks
Most other are accessible from the library's public computers unless otherwise noted.