MSUB Intramurals and Events
Spring 2025 Intramurals & Events
Want to play Intramurals, but don't have a team?
Submit your contact information on the form, and we will share with intramural teams.
Wiffle Ball
Wednesday, February 19, 7PM
3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
Individual & Team Registration Deadline: Wednesday, March 5
Games will be played Monday and Wednesday nights. Starting Wednesday, March 12
PE Building Lower Gym
Blacklight Dodgeball - Bright Clothing Highly Encouraged
Tuesday, February 25th 7pm, Lower Gym-PE Building
Bright Clothing Highly Encouraged!
March Madness Brackets
Blank brackets can be picked up at Recreation Center front desk starting March 10th
Return completed brackets by 10pm on March 17th
3-Point Contest
Monday, March 17th 7pm, Lower Gym-PE Building
Date & Time TBD
Team & Individual Registration Deadline: TBD -
Flag Football
Date & Time TBD
Follow MSUB Rec. Activities