CSPD is a vital component of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Montana State Plan for Special Education. CSPD provides pre-service, in-service, and technical assistance for parents, general and special educators, administrators, and other service providers with the end result being better programs and services for all children and youth.

Vision Statement

CSPD is a unified personnel development system that ensures quality educational programs and services for all children and youth.

Mission Statement

CSPD will value and promote services that:

  • are proactive and flexible in meeting the needs of children and youth
  • ensure success for all by providing a safe and healthy environment that builds a sense of belonging and value for self and others
  • evaluate and disseminate best practices and achievements through ongoing high-quality professional development
  • encourage sensitivity to individual differences with recognition of cultural and ethnic diversity
  • are unified and integrated through a partnership of families, schools, agencies, and communities
  • support recruitment and retention of high-quality educational personnel
  • are seen as a series of interdependent stages of continuous growth for personnel
  • are designed to meet individual needs delivered through personalized, accessible, and practical formats

Service Area

Region III CSPD provides services for the following counties: Big Horn, Carbon, Fergus, Golden Valley, Judith Basin, Musselshell, Petroleum, Stillwater, Sweet Grass, Wheatland, and Yellowstone


Funding is provided in part by the Montana Office of Public Instruction.