Leslie Weldon

Leslie Weldon

Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance

McMullen Hall Room 208
(406) 657-2155

Division of Administration and Finance

The Administrative Services Division of à±ßäÂþ»­ consists of the Business, Finance, and Operations departments of the University. Administrative Services is comprised of the following areas:

Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance

Leslie Weldon

This office is responsible for the leadership of the Administrative Services Division. It serves as the Chief Financial Office of the campus. All campus insurance is handled in this office as well as central contract review, central resources for state, federal, Board of Regents, rules, regulations, policies, and laws.

VCAF Policies & Procedures

Campus Insurance Issues & Forms

Leslie Weldon

Insurance claims and general information regarding property and liability coverage are handled through the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance.

Strategic Planning

Business Services

Director: Barb Burows

Business Services is responsible for the University purchasing, accounts payable, cashiering, Perkins Loan Program management, accounts receivable, mail services, and printing services.

Business Services Policies & Procedures

Budget Office

Assistant Vice Chancellor of Finance: Heather Hanna

The Budget Office is responsible for internal and external budget development, monitoring and balancing. This office also serves as the University internal auditor.
Budget Office Policies & Procedures

Facilities Services

Interim Director: Justin Rife

Facilities Services is responsible for all campus construction projects, architectural and engineering services needed by the University, grounds, repair and maintenance, custodial, and temperature control.

Financial Services & Payroll

Assistant Vice Chancellor of Finance: Heather Hanna

Financial Services is responsible for accounting and financial reporting, payroll, grants and contracts management, internal campus recharges, property management, and cash and investment management.

Financial Services Policies & Procedures

Human Resources

Director: Paula Highlander

Human Resources is responsible for the University recruitment and retention of employees, benefits administration, employee and labor relations, equal employment opportunity, Americans with Disabilities Act, University training program, new employee orientation, affirmative action, and diversity.

HR Policies & Procedure

Information Technology

Chief Information Officer: Brett Weisz

The Information Technology department is responsible for various technology on campus including the data center, servers/network, computer labs, classroom technology, software, technology purchasing, end user support, and the IT Help Desk.

IT Policies & Procedures

Environmental Health & Safety Office

Director of Environmental Health & Safety: Ryan Morris

The Environmental Health & Safety Office is responsible for promoting a safe university environment and regulatory compliance through expertise and assistance.

See also:

University Administration