Nov. 14, 2022

Dear Campus Community:

I am pleased to announce that MSUB is going to participate in the  on Friday, November 25 at 5:30 p.m. in downtown Billings. Professors Queen and Willems will be conducting crowd pleasing experiments showcasing MSUB’s Atomic Circus and Science Expo in the parade and would like to invite you—faculty, staff, students, and your families to represent MSUB and walk in this years’ holiday parade.

The parade is holiday movie themed, but feel free to wear your MSUB gear too. If you need more MSUB gear, stop by the Campus Store to stock up! Due to city restrictions, we are unable to pass out giveaways or flyers to parade observers, thus highlighting the importance of a strong MSUB representation at the parade.
 to participate in the holiday parade.
I hope we have a great turnout for the parade and thank you for all you do for MSUB.


Stefani Hicswa, Ph.D.

Nov. 10, 2022

Dear Campus Community:

In 1954, when November 11 was officially named Veterans Day, U.S. President Eisenhower called upon all citizens to join to “solemnly remember the sacrifices of all those who fought so valiantly on the seas, in the air, and on foreign shores, to preserve our heritage of freedom.” We recognize the commitment and sacrifices of our military and their families.

As we commemorate Veterans Day tomorrow, please take a moment to thank those who served–and those who serve today. It is because of them, and their families, that we can enjoy the freedoms that we as Americans often take for granted.

As a Military Friendly university with a gold-rated status from, I am proud to offer our veterans the opportunity to continue their education – wherever they serve and wherever they live. It is a designation that we are honored to have. MSUB remains committed to ensuring that our military students receive the support they need to reach their educational, personal, and professional goals.

To our veteran students, staff, and faculty, thank you for your service and for being part of our Yellowjacket Family. Your experience and perspective add tremendous value to our community.


Stefani Hicswa, Ph.D.

Nov. 1, 2022

Dear Campus Community,

Please join me this Thursday, Nov. 3 between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. for virtual coffee. I look forward to catching up.

Join me virtually using this 

I look forward to "seeing" you!


Stefani Hicswa, Ph.D.

Sept. 23, 2022

Dear Campus Community, The September Board of Regents meeting on our campus was a tremendous success. Congratulations! I appreciate everyone stepping up to ensure that it went so well. I heard numerous comments on the positive changes we have made since the last meeting we hosted in 2018. Regents and representatives from other campuses were impressed with how great our campus looked, including the grounds, the quality of our customer service, directional signage, the food, and our new Yellowstone Science and Health Building. The faculty and student research display in the Student Union Building lobby was impressive and I received lots of great feedback on it. Many also expressed how impressed they were with the positive vibe we have on campus. Thank you for showing your Yellowjacket pride by wearing our school colors. It was noticed. Many also commented on how much they love our new branding. Meeting attendees commented that everyone on our campus was helpful and friendly. The Regents thanked us for rolling out the red carpet. You truly did. Thank you so very much. I hope your fall semester is going well. Tune in to Virtual Coffee with the Chancellor at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday October 6 (email forthcoming). I will have some exciting information on the success of the work you are doing to retain our students.


Stefani Hicswa, Ph.D.

Sept. 22, 2022

Dear Campus Community:

I wanted to let you know that Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance Susan Simmers has accepted a new position at Southern Illinois University. Her last day on MSUB campus will be October 7.

Leslie Weldon, Project Manager, will serve as the interim VCAF until the permanent position is filled. A search for a permanent replacement will be announced in the near future.

Leslie has a long history as a leader in Montana higher education with expertise in human resources, advancement, information technology management, financial aid administration, leadership development, employee engagement, and project management. She has served in various roles and on various committees at universities and community colleges around the state and region and from 2009-2014, she served as MSUB’s Director of Financial Aid.

Prior to returning to MSU Billings, Leslie served Dawson Community College as the Vice President of Advancement and Human Resources. Leslie has a Master of Arts in Education Administration and Curriculum from Gonzaga University and a B.A. from the University of Montana. 

I want to thank Susan for serving MSUB in this tremendous capacity. She has done a lot of work to update our budgeting process and systems. Join me in wishing her well in her new endeavor.

Thank you to Leslie for serving as our interim VCAF and for everything she has done and currently does for MSUB.


Stefani Hicswa, Ph.D.

Sept. 9, 2022

Dear Campus Community:

The courage of our first responders and members of our Armed Forces still inspires me as I remember the sadness, grief, and pain we felt collectively as we watched the graphic images on television and realized what was happening on September 11, 2001.

Amid tragedy and darkness on that day, brave individuals risked their lives to save others as we united as a country to support one another and to move forward resolutely. We are forever grateful for the service and sacrifice of first responders and the members of our Armed Forces deployed since the 9/11 attacks.

I hope you can all attend the 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony this Sunday at 8:46 a.m. outside at the City College 9/11 Memorial. September 11 is designated as a National Day of Service and Remembrance Day. It is a chance to help others and to pay tribute to those who lost their lives and to those who sacrificed their lives to save others.

The Remembrance Ceremony underlines the importance of higher education in fostering greater tolerance, respect, and understanding. Our mission is to deliver a transformative education that empowers students from diverse backgrounds to succeed, and our vision is to educate students to impact an evolving global community.

On this day of remembrance, may you approach this academic year with a spirit of service, courage, and gratitude.

Stefani Hicswa, Ph.D.

August 15, 2022

Dear Campus Community,

You are all invited to the State of the University Address next week on Thursday, August 25, starting with coffee, tea, and donuts at 8:30 a.m. I look forward to highlighting our accomplishments over the past academic year and discussing the future of our institution.

Immediately following the address, a campus information fair (Where in the Hive) will take place on the SUB/McMullen lawn showcasing our student services departments. This fair will help us know what we offer our students so we can all be better equipped to support them.

Later that afternoon starting at 4 p.m., I will host an All-Campus and Family Open House at the Chancellor’s residence.

Schedule of events for Thursday, August 25:   Coffee, Tea & Donuts, 8:30 a.m. in Petro Theatre Lobby  State of the University Address, 9 a.m. in Petro Theatre    Where in the Hive Campus Information Fair, immediately following the State of the University Address, SUB/McMullen Lawn   All Campus & Family Open House at Chancellor Hicswa’s Residence, 4-6 p.m.  432 Silver Lane, Billings, MT Refreshments provided

Schedule of events for Thursday, August 25

Coffee, Tea & Donuts, 8:30 a.m. in Petro Theatre Lobby

State of the University Address, 9 a.m. in Petro Theatre 

Where in the Hive Campus Information Fair, immediately following the State of the University Address, SUB/McMullen Lawn

All Campus & Family Open House at Chancellor Hicswa’s Residence4-6 p.m. 
432 Silver Lane, Billings, MT
Refreshments provided

I look forward to seeing you there. Let us make this fall semester the best one yet!


Stefani Hicswa, Ph.D.

August 9, 2022

Dear Campus Community:

The news today of a possible gunman headed to University Campus was unsettling and frightening. Our University Police handled the situation extremely well and in a timely manner, and the campus communication was immediate and direct.

The leadership of many on campus during this time was strong and reliable, and the lock down happened swiftly. I appreciate everything that was done on campus to keep everyone safe. A big thank you to our Facilities Department, who ensured that all buildings were locked down and a big thank you to our University Police Department who conducted a thorough search of each building on University Campus.

These situations affect everyone differently. If you need to take some personal time, please work with your supervisor for accommodations.

Also, please take some time to review our emergency procedures.

We’re in this together.


Stefani Hicswa, Ph.D.

July 5, 2022

Dear Campus Community,

Fall semester will be here before we know it and I am excited to welcome students back to campus soon. It has been a busy summer so far with much preparation and planning. I look forward to highlighting our accomplishments over the past academic year and discussing the future of our institution during the State of the University Address on Thursday, August 25 starting with coffee, tea, and donuts at 8:30 a.m. in the Petro Theatre lobby.

Immediately following the address, a campus information fair (Where in the Hive) will take place on the SUB/McMullen lawn showcasing many of our student services departments. This fair will help us become more versed in what we offer our students so we can all be better equipped to support them. Later that afternoon starting at 4 p.m., I will host an All-Campus and Family Open House at the Chancellor’s residence.

Schedule of events for Thursday, August 25:   Coffee, Tea & Donuts, 8:30 a.m. in Petro Theatre Lobby  State of the University Address, 9 a.m. in Petro Theatre    Where in the Hive Campus Information Fair, immediately following the State of the University Address, SUB/McMullen Lawn   All Campus & Family Open House at Chancellor Hicswa’s Residence, 4-6 p.m.  432 Silver Lane, Billings, MT Refreshments provided

Schedule of events for Thursday, August 25:

Coffee, Tea & Donuts, 8:30 a.m. in Petro Theatre Lobby

State of the University Address, 9 a.m. in Petro Theatre 

Where in the Hive Campus Information Fair, immediately following the State of the University Address, SUB/McMullen Lawn

All Campus & Family Open House at Chancellor Hicswa’s Residence4-6 p.m. 
432 Silver Lane, Billings, MT
Refreshments provided
I look forward to seeing you there. Let us make this fall semester the best one yet!


Stefani Hicswa, Ph.D.

March 30, 2022

Dear Campus Community,

Please join me tomorrow, March 31 between 11:30am and 12:30pm for virtual coffee. I look forward to catching up.

Join me virtually using this

I look forward to "seeing" you!


Stefani Hicswa, Ph.D.

March 24, 2022

Dear Campus Community:

Our fourth annual  is today, and we are Buzz-ing with excitement! This one-day crowdfunding event supports MSUB student-focused projects and programs from all five colleges.

From equipment upgrades to program expansions and scholarships, there is something for everyone to support today during ‘Jacket Giving Day. Small gifts of even $5 (the cost of a latte) toward these great causes also make a huge impact.

Our goal today is to engage 750 people to support MSUB and every donor counts toward this goal. Each project can earn bonus dollars by attracting the most donors to their cause. The three projects with the most donors can win an additional $1,000, $1,500, and $2,500!

Visit the  website now to find the projects you want to support and follow the buzz on social media. Follow the MSUB Foundation  , and .

Let’s beat our goal of engaging 750 people and help support these great projects!

Stefani Hicswa, Ph.D.
Krista Montague
Interim President, MSUB Foundation & Alumni

March 4, 2022

Dear Campus Community,

Our fourth annual ‘ is coming up on Thursday, March 24, and we are positively Buzz-ing with excitement!

This one-day crowdfunding event supports the projects and programs that mean the most at MSUB. From needs in all five colleges to program expansion, equipment upgrades, and scholarships to help our students get a head start, there is something for everyone to support on ‘Jacket Giving Day.

Below are some project highlights:

City College Nursing Program: Full body “Anne” nursing mannequin simulator: We are proud of our high-tech and hands-on experience our students receive, making them more competitive in the workforce. These high-fidelity mannequins are connected to a computer system, which provides students real-life scenarios to challenge their critical thinking and assessment skills. The nursing program—and its students, will truly benefit from a new full-body mannequin simulator, as it will provide students with invaluable training, along with a more well-rounded and hands-on education.

Native American Achievement Center: Support for the Annual Powwow, April 1 & 2, 2022: The MSUB Powwow is an opportunity for the entire community to experience complete immersion into Native American culture. Supporting MSUB’s Powwow will help us continue our tradition of showcasing dance, music, art, and other unique aspects of Native American culture.   

College of Health Professions and Science: MSUB Memorial Landscape in honor of Norm Schoenthal: This project supports landscaping around the Yellowstone Science and Health Building to pay tribute to Dr. Norm Schoenthal, a former MSUB science professor and influential individual in Billings. He was instrumental in creating the Yellowstone River Parks Association which owns and maintains over 1,000 acres of land along the Yellowstone River. The landscaping will include a memorial where his impactful contributions made to the sciences at MSUB, and alumni will be recognized.

College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences: Exhibiting Artist and Residency Program: MSUB’s goal is to increase more community-based art programs and support and host visiting artists such as international sculptor Foon Sham, to create unique artwork at MSUB.

College of Business: The Roberta Stewart scholarship endowment fund: This project will increase the Roberta Stewart scholarship endowment fund to provide meaningful scholarships to our business students. Roberta was an administrative assistant in MSUB’s College of Business for over 12 years and exemplified going above and beyond the call of duty to ensure student success.

College of Education: Undergraduate and graduate student scholarships: Supporting this project will help increase the overall dollars available for students and reduce the financial burden for those looking to give back to their community both inside and outside of Montana by working in the classroom.

MSUB Athletics: From replacing the Alterowitz gym scoreboards, upgrading our pool facilities, to individual projects from each of our athletic teams, you will certainly find a project you are passionate about to support in athletics.

Check out the .

The project submissions date has now passed; however, the Foundation will accept new projects on a case-by-case basis until March 12. To submit a new project, contact Nick Schmidt at

We are looking forward to March 24 and to seeing these projects come to fruition. Small gifts of $5 toward these great causes make a huge impact. Every donor counts toward our goal of engaging 750 people to support MSUB and this event.

With participation in mind, we have some special challenges in place for our projects. Each project has an opportunity to earn bonus dollars by attracting the most donors to their cause. The three projects with the most donors can win an additional $1,000, $1,500, and $2,500! The three prizes will be awarded on Friday, March 25.

In the meantime, please help spread the word about these projects and ask your friends and family to donate on ‘Jacket Giving Day. Forward the emails you receive, and share our posts from the MSU Billings Foundation  ,   , and  accounts.

Visit the  today to read about the projects and programs you can support, see how to join the buzz on social media, and make a gift that will make a lasting impact here at MSU Billings.


Stefani Hicswa, Ph.D.

Krista Montague
Interim President, MSUB Foundation & Alumni

March 3, 2022

Dear Campus Community:

In light of historical documents that were recently brought to my attention, I wanted to let you know that I have formed a university task force, comprised of a diverse group of students, faculty, and staff representation to investigate the situation below.

McMullen Hall is named after the first president of then Eastern Montana Normal School, Lynn McMullen. A number of press accounts from 1935 (see attached) quote McMullen espousing the now-discredited theory of eugenics. McMullen also suggested that Germany would advance faster than other nations due to Adolf Hitler's embrace of eugenics.

This is very a serious issue, and the task force will investigate the issue further and provide a recommendation for the process to review the name of the administration building. A recommendation from the task force to rename the building would ultimately need to be brought before the Board of Regents for consideration.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we want to be very intentional and deliberate about this process.


Stefani Hicswa

Feb. 24, 2022

Dear Campus Community,

I am pleased to announce that the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities provided official notification on MSUB’s mid-cycle visit in fall 2021. As a result of your dedication and hard work, the NWCCU has marked one of MSUB's two outstanding recommendations as fulfilled, which is ensuring that we are on track with our strategic plan. The formal commission action letter can be found on MSUB’s Assessment and Accreditation webpage. We will continue to address the remaining recommendation, as we work to stabilize the administrative team.

The mid-cycle is a formative review and as a result, MSUB received feedback on strengths and areas of improvement. The details of that feedback will be considered as we continue to implement strategic planning, program assessment, and data usage and analysis across campus.

I am so proud of what you have accomplished. The NWCCU’s recent action letter is a direct acknowledgement of your tireless efforts and dedication to our students.

If you have questions or inquiries about this most recent NWCCU action, please contact Kathleen Thatcher, director of Assessment and Accreditation at


Stefani Hicswa

Jan. 26, 2022

Dear Campus Community,

Please join me tomorrow, Jan. 27, between 11:30am and 12:30pm for virtual coffee. I look forward to catching up.

Join me virtually using this .

I look forward to "seeing" you!

Stefani Hicswa

Jan. 19, 2022

Dear Campus Community:
After significant and collaborative academic and financial planning, it is with great pleasure and excitement that we announce the approval of fourteen (14) tenure-track faculty positions. Searches for these tenure lines will commence shortly, and appointments will become effective this fall 2022.
Working closely with our academic deans, tenure-line positions have been approved for all five colleges:

  • City College: 2
  • College of Business: 2
  • College of Education: 2
  • College of Health Professions and Science: 4
  • College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences: 4

This is an important long-term investment in MSU Billings and is in direct support of our academic mission. Tenure-line faculty promote institutional vitality and stability by contributing to all aspects of campus life, including teaching, service, research and creative activities, student success, mentoring students and new faculty, shared governance, program development, long-term partnerships with the community, and so much more.
Thank you for the tremendous support you provide our students daily. Our strength at MSU Billings is our close-knit community, individualized student attention, and high-quality programs. We appreciate the large role you play in providing our students a safe space to learn and grow. We look forward to welcoming the newest members of our campus community in the fall.
Stefani Hicswa, Chancellor
Sep Eskandari, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Jen Lynn, Academic Senate Chair, Associate Professor of History