Civic Engagement and Democratic Participation
Building citizenship and social responsibility are an important part of our society. Imploring ou campus community to exercise their civic duties and participate in civic life benefits everyone. At MSUB we strive to instill civic engagement and democratic pride in our campus community through our programming and events.
2024-2025 Events
23rd Anniversary of 9/11
23rd Anniversary of 9/11
Constitution Day
Stop by the LA/LI Hallway on Tuesday, September 17 between 10 AM and 12 PM for a snack and activities to celebrate Constitution Day!
National Voter Registration Day
Stop by the LA/LI Hallway on Tuesday, September 17 between 1 PM & 3 PM for cookies and voter registration info!
Get out to Vote
Register to Vote

Click here to get information on how to Register to Vote today!
Elections on Friday, November 8, 2024.