Power of One Week 2025: Welcoming New Perspectives
Power of One Week highlights the power that each of us has to impact our communities and improve ourselves and the world around us. This year’s theme is “Welcoming New Perspectives” and will focus on the Yellowjacket Way; how we talk and listen to one another to create understanding and partnership essential for our communities to thrive. All events are open to the public!
* Indicates refreshments will be available
10am-1pm | Ask Me Anything: Study Abroad -Sponsored by International Studies
Ask a study abroad student your questions and get their perspective on the experience.
SUB Atrium
12:30am-1:30pm | Cards for Seniors -Sponsored by Student United Way
Write cards to seniors in our community and gain some perspective on the impact of loneliness on aging individuals this Valentine's Day season.
SUB Upper Galleria
11:30am-1:30pm | Think Forward* -Sponsored by Forward Montana
Register to vote and learn about what Forward Montana is doing to elevate your voice.
SUB Atrium
3:30pm-4:30pm | Roundtable Dialogue* -Sponsored by ASMSUB
Engage in roundtable talks on various topics.
SUB Glacier
6pm-8pm | Hearts & Blooms* -Sponsored by Housing & Wellness and Diversity Center
Build your own flower bouquet! February is all about healthy hearts, so make new connections, relax a little, and enjoy some sweets.
Rimrock Hall Lobby
6pm-8pm | Love 'N' Stuff* -Sponsored by Student Activities Board
Create a custom stuffed animal and find the perfect companion for yourself or someone special. Stay for the speed friending, and make this Valentine’s Day extra special!
SUB Atrium
10:30am-11:30am | Love 'N' Stuff* -Sponsored by Student Activities Board
Create a custom stuffed animal and find the perfect companion for yourself or someone special. Stay for the speed friending, and make this Valentine’s Day extra special!
City College Tech Commons
11:30am-1pm | Differing PAWspectives -Sponsored by HEROES
Understanding each other’s perspectives is essential to having a healthy relationship. Learn more while getting to know our pet partners!
SUB Atrium
2pm-3pm | International Student Panel* -Sponsored by Multicultural Club
Join us for an engaging panel discussion featuring international students sharing their unique perspectives on studying at MSUB. International students from diverse backgrounds will discuss their experiences navigating academics, cultural adaptation, and campus life at MSUB. This panel will offer meaningful takeaways and an opportunity for dialogue and discussion.
SUB Atrium
3:30pm-5pm | OUT Craft Day* -Sponsored by OUT
We'll bring the art supplies. You bring the creativity!
SUB Beartooth
5pm-7pm | You Can Poppy Over Anytime* -Sponsored by HEROES
Before you can “poppy” over to engage in sexual activity, you must earn consent. Join us for free goodies and learn about consent.
SUB Glacier
5:15pm-6:15pm | LGBT Readings of the Bible -Sponsored by United Campus Ministries
Discuss how the sacred texts, in this case the Bible, can be read to support flourishing LGBT lives.
SUB Missouri
5:15pm-7pm | Valentine's Day Short Films* -Sponsored by Autism Club
View the comedy troupe RiffTrax's short film take on dating. Pizza and snacks included!
SUB Beartooth
Creating a New Perspective -Sponsored by Library
Join the library in building a community-wide art piece. Add your own unique perspective!
LI 2nd Floor
A Century of American LGBT History -Sponsored by United Campus Ministries
Take a look at historical events that affected the LGBT community through this poster display timeline.
City College Tech Building Commons & SUB Upper Galleria