Institutional Review Board
à±ßäÂþ» requires all projects that involve human subjects undergo review by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) including student, staff, and faculty projects without exception.
Researcher Roles & Responsibilities
Researchers at MSUB are responsible for the ethical conduct of research with human participants. In compliance with federal regulations, state laws, and university policy, the investigator’s key responsibilities are to:
Apply for IRB approval or determination of exemption before conducting any research with human participants or their personally identifiable data.
Designate a faculty advisor on the IRB application for research conducted by students. The faculty advisor shares responsibility for the ethical conduct of the research
Complete the required ethical and regulatory training for the conduct of human research
Conduct the research in accordance with the approved protocol
Submit amendments before initiating changes to the approved protocol
Submit IRB renewal requests as required, and prior to the protocol expiration date
Report all unanticipated problems or serious adverse events as soon as possible
Manage research data carefully to protect subject confidentiality