Institutional Review Board

Project personnel must take at least one (1) base required human subjects module through CITI in order to be listed on an IRB protocol. Additional add-ons may be required depending on the nature of the research. Protocols will not be approved until all personnel have completed the training.

Personnel includes but is not limited to PIs, researchers, team members, faculty advisors, or anyone having contact with human subjects.

For a general training, most researchers should take IRB Social & Behavioral Research. Choose the base course that best aligns with your area of study.

First time logging into CITI? Click here.

Faculty or Staff - must choose one
Personnel Type
Working with...
CITI Training Name
Faculty or Staff
Social and behavioral research on human subjects
IRB Social and Behavioral Research
Faculty or Staff 
Biomedical research on human subjects
IRB Biomedical Research
Faculty or Staff
Data or biospecimens acquired from human subjects. This course is appropriate for researchers who will not have direct contact with human subjects but will be working with secondary samples.
IRB Data or Specimens Acquired from Human Subjects

Students - must choose one
Personnel Type
Working with...
CITI Training Name
Student-led projects involving minimal risk research like surveys; may also be appropriate for students assisting Faculty PIs on research projects
IRB Students and Class Projects
Social and behavioral research on human subjects
IRB Social and Behavioral Research
Biomedical research on human subjects
IRB Biomedical Research
Data or biospecimens acquired from human subjects. This course is appropriate for researchers who will not have direct contact wth huan subjects but will be working with secondary samples. 
IRB Data or Specimens Acquired from Human Subjects

ADD-ON Requirements
Personnel Type
Working with...
CITI Training Name
When Required?
Faculty, Staff or Student
Confidential information, Protected Health Information (PHI), or HIPAA associated data obtained from a covered entity
Required add-on if protocol involves Protected Health Information (PHI)
Faculty, Staff or Student
Clinical Trials
Required add-on if protocol meets the definition of a clinical trial

Co-PIs that are not MSUB students or employees

An MSUB GID (generated ID) and netID are required to register with CITI. If your co-PI does not work or study at MSUB, it is still possible for them to register as an affiliate of MSUB, thought it will take a few extra steps.

First, verify that the personnel working with you on a project is actually a co-PI and therefore required to take CITI training. If personnel on the project are not co-PIs, then they are not required to take CITI. How to verify:

  • See  from Washington University in St. Louis
  • A co-PI is "engaged with the research." That is, they will "(i) intervene or interact with living individuals for research purposes; or (ii) obtain individually identifiable private information for research purposes" ().
    • See the definition of from OHRP.
  • If the personnel don't have access to the identifiable information, have not helped in the creation of the protocol, and are not involved in administering the intervention to be tested, then they are likely not a co-PI.
  • If you are not sure whether one of the personnel on your project would be considered a co-PI, please contact the Office of Research Compliance at

 Next, if you have verified the non-MSUB personnel is a co-PI, then they will need to get a GID:

  • Send an email to letting us know that your co-PI will need to be set up with a GID.
  • We will work with your co-PI to complete the necessary paperwork.

Please know that this process can delay the start of your project. It is up to you to start the process as soon as possible in order to not hold up your application. You do not need to have a completed application submitted before contacting the IRB. If you have questions, or know your co-PI will need an MSUB GID, the time to contact us is now!

If you're on too tight of a schedule, there is also the option of paying for the co-PI's CITI training as an individual learner through the CITI website. While not ideal, it is an available option.